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Wellness Team

We were delighted to officially welcome the new members of the Wellness Team in a Powhiri held on site last week.

We are so fortunate to be welcoming such a wealth of experience, knowledge and passion for our community. Some of the members of the team are returning to the trust or the rohe after time away, all of them are motivated by a desire to make a real, long-term difference to the health outcomes of our community.

The Wellness Team remit is diverse but centred around improving the physical and mental health and wellbeing of our community. Working with whanau, our Wellness Team can help to;

  • navigate pathways to improved wellbeing
  • address barriers to healthcare
  • provide whanau centred healthcare for those living with chronic conditions
  • empower tamariki and rangatahi to maintain good oral hygiene as part of overall wellbeing
  • providing opportunities to improve mobility and fitness (through our community fitness centre, The Pa)
  • advocacy for those living with the challenges of mental health conditions


And so we wholeheartedly welcome…

Judy McHardy (Wellness Team Leader)

Te Warati Ututaonga-Pawa (Registered Nurse)

Marama Pairama (Advocacy Navigator)

Barbora Grove (Community Impact Leader, The Pa)


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