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Waitangi Day Hangi

Thank you to friends and whānau who contributed to our Waitangi day “hangi” at Kauri Lodge. Community whānau, staff and off duty staff gave up their time, took over the Kauri Lodge kitchen and contributed to a big cook up. What an amazing team!

Special thanks to Cheryl Parke the Graham and Dangen whānau who contributed Kai also to Lava Faneva for the yum steam pudding. A big thanks to Casey Joe Wikaira, Andrea Rika for helping on the day as well as Tomica Rudolph and Patricia Moke who helped with prep and to our awesome volunteer Michelle Williams.

Our residents had a great time and really enjoyed being spoiled and made to feel special. Marking special occasions like this makes a huge difference to our residents wellbeing and re-enforces their important role in our community and their feeling of belonging. So a huge thank you to all those who helped to make it special.

Nga mihi